Parents love their child the most. For them, their child’s wellbeing and good health are a top most priority. Like the fingers of hand, every child is different from each other. Everyone has a separate personality, nature and characteristics. Certain features children take from their parents and some from their surroundings. But, what if you get to know your child is also inheriting the genetic disorders along with the characteristics from you? When both the parents are the carriers of the genetic mutation the chances of having a child with genetic disorder is higher.
Genetic Disorders remain unknown to parents many a times till they have a child who is born with the genetic disorder. It can come as a shock to the parents because they were unaware throughout that they were the carrier of the disorders. In fact, 1 in every 300 live births suffers from genetic disorders like Beta-Thalassemia.
Genetic Disorder if carefully taken care of before the pregnancy can reduce or avoid a lot of problems post the birth of the child. Carriers of the genetic disorder are healthy people, so it often goes out of notice that they can be passing a tradition of genetic disorders to their child. In fact, if both the parents are carriers then the risk of disorder to be found in their child rises to 25%.
As per WHO, 10 out of 1000 live births are born with some sort of Genetic Disorder. 20% of Infant Mortality in all developed countries is due to Genetic Disorders. So what is the solution? You might be asking. Igenomix has developed an Advanced Carrier Genetic Test (CGT), which is conducted before pregnancy. In cases when the both the partners in the couple are a carriers of a mutation in the same single gene, there is high risk of having an affected child. In these cases, they can ask their specialist about the option of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to conceive a healthy child. PGD screens the embryos for the genetic mutation which both parents are a carrier of and enables selecting those embryos which are not affected by the genetic disorder.